Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Another Great Week In Guarapuava

hey fam

another great week is flying by and lots of great things are happening
here for
us in guarapuava!! this week we had a miracle happen:
not only the baptism that
was held on saturday but also
we were able to invite a young man that was

driving a home made, horse drawn buggy, down the
street to church. he went,
loved it, felt the spirit and he is going
to be baptized this week!! he´s an
awesome kid that, as soon as the
gospel was introduced to him he jumped right in

and is loving every bit of it. he is a little farmer that works with five horses
that are actually his. his family life isn't all that great but his dad was nice
enough to let us teach him the gospel and said that there is no problem with him
following the church. we're really excited for him and i know that the gospel is
gonna bless his life. its great to see how the gospel changes lives!
sounds like
you guys had a good week and that the MORP went good for Ty.
thats really weird
that they call it MORP. (Prom spelled backwards?)
i got the
packages that you guys sent for christmas, finally last week.
i couldnt wait on
the bus to open up the package so me and my
comp got into them on the bus ride
home to guarapuava. i'm
enjoying alot, all the great american goods! there is an

american from georgia that is living with me also and he about
when he saw the nacho cheese! good stuff!!
Ariens house is gonna be the ultimate
when they get it all finished up!
i'm way excited to get to see it in
has jud got his new truck all tinted and stickered up yet? i bet that he

is loving the new ride.
are you staying warm in the store mom? now that it has been
all redone and what not i hope that you are keeping warm in there.
tell Robbie
and Kam to keep up the good work in the little league b-ball.
when i get home
i'll run um through a couple of good drills....jk.
hows Krissy and Per
i doing also? i missed not being able to talk to
them on christmas but its alright
because i'll be able to talk to
them before to long...!

over heard the leaving date for my group in june...
it will be june 2nd, so right on Peri´s birthday!
really flys when your having fun and working hard!
i love you
have a great week!!

Elder Coats

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