Wednesday, January 27, 2010

This week in Guarapuava

hey fam
that's good to hear that you guys got some
snow to enjoy now that it is the end

of january.
this month went by way fast and i'm
now nearing the end of another

transfer here in guarapuava.
this week went really good and yesterday
we had
zone conference to top it off.
President Araujo is powerfull and the training

that he gives really help us out on the work.
i got a bunch of christmas cards
also that
came in. i really like the cd that Arien sent
and the card was
pretty funny.
i love you arien, even though your a few fries
short of a happy meal! haha.
still way excited for the wedding and it
sounds like the house is practically a

done deal. the little christmas card that
jud and chelsea made was pretty sweet

also. she sure is gorgeous!
i dont know how jud's baldness can pull that

off...jk. everyone here that sees pictures
of the fam always tell me that i'm

gonna lose my hair before too long also
because we're all going to get dads genes

but i think that i'm holding strong.
i think that it is better that ty doesn't

play church ball yet. his ankles will thank
him later. are they still giving him

thanks for getting the college deal
underway for me mom. let me know

how it turns out. i don't even want to think
about getting into college yet.

getting back into the math books sends
a shiver down my spine...
i know that it
is important though to go
to college and study so i'm gonna do it.
there's a young
man that is leaving for his
mission this week from our branch. he gave his

farewell talk sunday and it went really good.
it made me remember the day

that i got my call and the great feelings
and all the support that i received

from everyone. the mission is great!!
i love you guys, you're all in my prayers

and thoughts.
have a great week!!


Elder Coats

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Hey Fam

this week, as usual, flew by and lots of great things are
happening in the area
and the work is moving right along!

we had a really cool baptismal service on
saturday and a really
special family went with us to church on sunday.

the young
man that we have been teaching went on the
camping trip in the outskirts of town
with the young mens
group and we had his baptism marked for that night. we

decided to take advantage of the little pond that was there
and have the
baptism. it was way cool and `marlon`
is way excited about the church. it was a
cool way to end their
camping trip and it was something different cause its not

everyday that you can be baptized in a pond.

that's so crazy that my trainer,
elder barrus, went down and met
you guys!
he sent me some really cool pictures
of the visit. he always said
that he was gonna go and meet my family. he said
that it was way
fun to hang out with you guys and have a piece of pie. that
would be
really fun if he transferred to usu and we could go to school together.

i bet that it was fun to give dinner to the missionaries also. i was
if it was lunch or dinner that the ward members give to
the missionaries? i
would really like to give them dinner when i
get home to visit with them also.

ty got through another part of the school year. im glad
that he is able to
remember enough that he can get through
his studies. he is practically done!!

thats cool that he is an aid for arien an hour.

is jud still living in grandpa bills old place? in one of the
pictures that
barrus sent me he was there with cheltsea.
they still look really happy.

i hope
that everything goes well with the paper work so arien
and justin can get the
wedding all planned out.

mom im glad that you are still
loving the store. its a great job.

oh, i got a x mas card from a family that i'm not remembering.

tim and jan hall? can ya help me out?

i love you guys!!
the time is getting shorter and
shorter until we get to meet again!!!

have a great week!!!!

Elder Coats

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Another Great Week In Guarapuava

hey fam

another great week is flying by and lots of great things are happening
here for
us in guarapuava!! this week we had a miracle happen:
not only the baptism that
was held on saturday but also
we were able to invite a young man that was

driving a home made, horse drawn buggy, down the
street to church. he went,
loved it, felt the spirit and he is going
to be baptized this week!! he´s an
awesome kid that, as soon as the
gospel was introduced to him he jumped right in

and is loving every bit of it. he is a little farmer that works with five horses
that are actually his. his family life isn't all that great but his dad was nice
enough to let us teach him the gospel and said that there is no problem with him
following the church. we're really excited for him and i know that the gospel is
gonna bless his life. its great to see how the gospel changes lives!
sounds like
you guys had a good week and that the MORP went good for Ty.
thats really weird
that they call it MORP. (Prom spelled backwards?)
i got the
packages that you guys sent for christmas, finally last week.
i couldnt wait on
the bus to open up the package so me and my
comp got into them on the bus ride
home to guarapuava. i'm
enjoying alot, all the great american goods! there is an

american from georgia that is living with me also and he about
when he saw the nacho cheese! good stuff!!
Ariens house is gonna be the ultimate
when they get it all finished up!
i'm way excited to get to see it in
has jud got his new truck all tinted and stickered up yet? i bet that he

is loving the new ride.
are you staying warm in the store mom? now that it has been
all redone and what not i hope that you are keeping warm in there.
tell Robbie
and Kam to keep up the good work in the little league b-ball.
when i get home
i'll run um through a couple of good drills....jk.
hows Krissy and Per
i doing also? i missed not being able to talk to
them on christmas but its alright
because i'll be able to talk to
them before to long...!

over heard the leaving date for my group in june...
it will be june 2nd, so right on Peri´s birthday!
really flys when your having fun and working hard!
i love you
have a great week!!

Elder Coats

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The First Week of 2010

The first full week of the new year is going really
well and we have found lots of new investigators that
are really excited. We have a few baptisms
coming up in these next few weeks including this weekend!
That will be nice for you to have the 11'0clock
church, Mom. It is always nice to sleep in a little
on Sunday. That's awesome that Ty bore his testimony at
church. Is he going every week now?
I will be heading to Curitiba on Friday for sure
this week so I'll be able to pick up the package that
you sent for Christmas. I'm excited
because it is a four hour bus ride from
Curitiba to Guarapuava so I'll
have pictures and letters to pass the time.
I was thinking today about when
you all called for Christmas and I wanted to
know how does Gram know about
the word: Trunky? She's so funny!!
Something cool happened this week. We have been
teaching a little 9 year old
girl that loves the church and participates
in everything. The other day we were
headed out to teach her and her family and when
we got to the street where she lives
we saw her out playing with her friends and
she had her book of mormon with her.
She told us that she doesn't go anywhere without
it. I just thought that was so cool
that she wants to always have it with her even
when she is playing with her
friends! She is going to be baptized this weekend.
I am going to be in this area for a few more months but
when I am transferred,
I will have just two more transfers and then
I will be coming home! It seems
crazy to think that this year, 2010, is the
year that I have been serving for two
years and will be coming back.
Tell everyone that I love them and that I hope
they all have a very happy new year!
Have a great week!!
Love you all,
Elder Coats