Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Week of April 22, 2009

Sent: 4/22/2009 11:36:26 A.M.
Mountain Daylight Time
hey fam
everything is going great and another week has come and gone on the mish.
my companion is David Pierce, the one that you described!! it's funny cause this week we were actually talking about how we could know each other from friends or relatives. all roads lead back to good old preston!!
We are working hard and getting a lot accomplished lately. we just stay excited about everything and it all turns out good. when something doesn't go as planned we just say, "que benção" and continue on. we're working with some people that have baptisms marked right now so were hoping for the blessings later on down the transfer.
it sounds like everyone is doing great back home.
that is cool that there are a bunch of people that i know coming home and taking off to serve missions. maybe when i get home i will be able to keep up with my portuguese with the people that live close by..
so i'm gonna be here in the same area for the mother's day call home. i was wondering if you still had the number that you called for x mas? let me know.
im glad that work is going good for you and dad. hopefully all the economy will clear up. every body here talks about how the US is in trouble and what not. i dont pay much attention to it.
i love you guys!!!!!! have a great week!!!!!!!!
Elder Coats

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