Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Time for Zone Conference

Hey fam
We're staying good and busy here and the time is going by faster and faster it seems.
we had a good week and to top it off we have our zone conference tomorrow
in Ponta Grossa. i always look forward to the zone conferences. its cool to plan
a training to give but its nice when me and my comp don't have to do trainings
so we can just focus on the new stuff that president passes to us.
we weren't designated to give anything tomorrow so we can just take in all
that we can and put it into our daily work.
i will be getting letters tomorrow also so i'll be able to see the new bike and
'i'll let ya know what i think. i think that i can remember seeing it when zane
cruised it around i just can't picture it exactly. i got some ideas that me
and dad can do for the paint job... we are gonna get that thing `"chíquezão".
i'm glad that Arien and Justin are still excited about the wedding. I know that
everything will go as the Lord wants it. i'm so excited to be there to be a
part of all the good stuff this summer. lots of people are coming home from
their missions, weddings, Tys graduation (that i'm gonna miss by just a few days)
and then the college deal.... its cool to see that a lot of my friends from
school are getting married. how are Trent and his little wife doing?
have you seen them around lately? i hope that Jud and Cheltsea can get a
date set also for this year.
man, i miss Jud and Ty! this week i was actually thinking a bit about all the
great fun times that we had hanging out and talking about whatever.
im stoked to get to be with them again!
Ty should be healed up good i hope by the time that June rolls around.
I dont know if Jud remembers but he told me that he would be done smoking by
the time i got home.... if not, ive learned how to make a really great/disgusting
tobacco tea that will make him never want to smoke again. we do it
sometimes for investigators that believe that it is impossible...
We cant do it anymore though cause some people got really sick!!
I bet that it was fun making pancakes for ariens class, mom. i love your
breakfasts. i learned how to make a pretty good little breakfast for 2 these last
few years. french toast is my specialty.
i Love you guys!! You're in my prayers constantly.
have a great week!!
Elder Coats

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