Wednesday, December 2, 2009

End of November Already

Dear Mom,
That cajun deep fried turkey just about made me
fall out of my chair here....
that sounds so good!!! my thanksgiving was a
beautiful plate of rice and beans
but i sure enjoyed it. sounds like you
guys had a good thanksgiving even
everyone kinda went there own separate ways to
be with other families also. next
year its gonna be the show down of
thanksgiving feasts!!!! i bet grandma coats
was really happy to have everyone together
almost. did you guys take some pics?
the package didnt get out to me and now it will
be held until the christmas
conference that we are gonna have o
n the 18th
of dec. its all good though. so i
have been writing down a few things
that i think would be good for my american
appetite. if you send a christmas package:
pringles, flamin hot cheetos that nacho
cheese sauce that you heat up and is
really tasty, peach rings...
the pajama pants i think should be a
small for the elder in my zone. remember that
he wants the good thick ones. did
you guys ever get my little package that i sent?
if it hasnt got there yet, it should be there soon.
we have a few baptismal dat
es marked this weekend and were
running like mad to get them all under way and the
people 100
% ready to be baptized.
the work is going good and christmas is
gonna help us out a lot.
lots of people want the christmas dvd that
the church gives out so it gives us a great
opurtunity to get in and teach also.
thats crazy that you guys dont have hardly
any snow... the beav then is probably still not open. l
last winter and the year before was a lot.
i guess its gonna take a little break this year.
grammy will be happy.
Arien and justin are gonna have al
l the things good
and ready to go for
their new house when the time comes to move in.
im really excited for them.
thats funny that she about got knocked out working
with the sheet rock. i can
just imagine arien working with tools
and getting dirty and what not.
i know that mom will be happy with the christmas tree
and that you guys need to be
careful not to care for the tree too much so
that it will d
ie off a little after
christmas so she wont have an excus
e to keep it
in the house and continue to put
decorations of other holidays on it...!
good times!! i love you guys!!
have a great week!!!!
ELder Coats

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