Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Week of May 20th, 2009

Dear Family,
This week passed by really quick and lots of good things went down for us. We had the baptism on Sunday but it was quite the challenge. We got there and the whole town was really low on water and the chapel ran out of water while we were filling up the font so we marked the baptism for later in the day cause the water would be turned back on. We got there that night and the propane ran out to heat the water and it was a cold night. Priscilla the lady that we baptized wanted the water as warm as we could get it. Also Elder Pierce wasn't too excited to get into the freezing water. We went out back and messed with the propane tanks and got what was left of one of them to get the water heater pumping. In the end, it all went good and she was so happy afterwards. we had two baptisms planned but the other one can't get baptized yet because her aunt won't let her live with her if she is baptized... kinda sad. She still is coming to church and i believe that later on she will be baptized.
Next p-day i'm guessing that i will head to a new area. i would like to stay here a little longer but i guess we'll see what happens. i'm happy here but wherever the Lord sends me, i'm happy to go.
We ate at a mexican all you can eat restuarant hoje. it was way good and i forgot how great mexican food was. i was so full afterwards and it was fun to eat something with some flavor!!
Ty and Arien are done with school for the summer now!! It went by so fast. Months are passing like days.
We had an awesome zone conference yesterday and Pres. gave us some awesome talks and new techniques. I'm excited to try some new things. Everything is going great and só alegria e bénçãos!!!
Have a great week!!!!!
Elder Coats

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