Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Boa esperiencia: Sept.17th

We have gone through almost every season each day this week. its cold in the morning then its gets really hot about one then it rains and then about the time we head back to the house you can see your breath. all we need now is snow and we will get all seasons! its gonna be weird going into winter months and having it be hot. so arien is an official teacher now. i think getting thrown up on is definately the official initiation. thats pretty funny. i cant believe that jud got to meet mike metzger! that is his hero! and he even talked to him and eveything! i bet that made him all excited to try to pull off another backflip on his motorcycle. i know that his job stinks but tell him to keep working hard and it will pay off in the end.his truck should turn out pretty cool if him and justin get workin on it. when u send some more pictures make sure to get some of the truck to. and also im good on the seeds. no one else knows how to eat them so im still stocked up on the seeds. if you can send like maple syrup that is what i need. they have no syrup here. i think that ty should be able to work through his hurt collar bone. he is pretty tough. he will like that new job im sure. is dad still doing the good ol septic tank pumpin with the cowboy cori? so me and my companion had a really good experience this week. we were heading home and we were in the area of a new member lady, Juci Mara. we decided to stop by her house and visit. she was so glad that we did cause her son was really sick and needed a blessing. we gave him one then decided that he needed to go to the hospital cause he was shaking really bad and said that he was freezing and his stomach was killing him. we ran to another members house and got him to drive them to the hospital. it turned out that he needed to get his appendix removed. while they were doing the surgery his appendix burst and later they said that if he would have waited any longer he could have died. its crazy how the spirit works through people! i was so glad that we could help out. the language is still slowly but surely coming along. i hope that by the time i call in a few months i will be pretty comfortable with it. i love u guys. keep working hard and having faith in all things!
Elder Coats

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